Excelsis Psychology

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A Guide to Emotional Refueling

A Guide to Emotional Refueling

Imagine you and your child has a cup that needs to be filled - with affection, security, love and attention. Some children and adults seem to know ways of refilling their cup, but for most of us, we can become a bit unsettled when our cup gets empty.

In times of uncertainty it’s especially important to remember what may fill you and your child’s cup:

  • Sleep & Downtime (time away from the internet, news and media)

  • Warm baths, deep breathing, take an “awareness walk”, put on some music & dance, reframe negative thoughts

  • Download one of the many mindfulness apps available and listen to one activity together as a family

  • Gratitude, self-compassion, kindness, and patience (start your day with naming three things you are grateful for & end your day by reflecting on three highlights in the day)

  • Focusing on what you can control & monitor self-talk

  • Explore your creativity (learn a new craft)

  • Enjoy a cup of tea

  • Remind yourself and your child whatever you are going through it is not forever & this too shall pass

With families spending more time at home, this is also an opportunity to join your child in their world & take an interest in their activities and hobbies (over breakfast/dinner time perhaps); Spend time connecting with your child & getting to know them; Let your child feel their emotions ( remember to support & normalise their frustrations) and Remember to validate what you and your child may be feeling.

In the coming days, it’s important to spend a bit of time thinking about what would help refuel you, your child or family’s life at this time.